Showing 9 Result(s)
Cozy scene with an iPhone and earbuds

Tools to Encourage Daily Mindfulness 

We could all use some mindfulness tools in our daily lives. Our busy, modern lives often feel bound by the demands of others and the constraints of schedules. For many, mindfulness practices bring peace and white space back into their lives.  Finding our yoga mat at the end of a long day is our soft …

meditating with incense and candles

Forget Resolutions: Try Release and Intentions

Stop setting arbitrary goals to beat yourself up about later The time is coming when 190 million people will ring in the New Year by setting themselves up for disappointment. Why is it that we decide January 1 needs to be the day we start? Start losing that 20 pounds. Start exercising regularly. Start spending more …

Jonah and the whale

Jonah: The Angsty Teenage Prophet

A retelling that isn’t about the whale The story of Jonah and the whale is familiar in popular culture and is even referenced secularly. Jonah and the whale (or “big fish”) are depicted in the Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament) as well as the Quran of Islam. How highly Jonah is regarded as a prophet …

The word impossible with IM covered to show "possible"

Why You Should Question Your Beliefs

How our beliefs can hold us back and impact our mental health (This article originally appeared in Change Your Mind Change Your Life.) Every life is lived within a set of beliefs. Our beliefs tell us what we think is possible for ourselves and in our lives. They guide our behavior and influence our values. …

woman smiling while looking in the mirror

The Fear of Being Who You Are

Where it comes from and how to move past it We are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. Mimicry — that’s how we learn. Hardwired from the start to blend in, to be like those around us. Teenagers try to assert their individuality, to break apart from who their …

sketch of dropping trash in a trash can

3 Beliefs I Dropped for a Happier Life

Small mindset shifts make a big impact The majority of the beliefs that guide our lives are ones we unconsciously absorbed during childhood. Identifying and questioning these beliefs is important to live a better life. Here are three beliefs I consciously dropped for a happier life. 1. There is something I am meant to do There is …

standing in the cosmos

Meditation for Spiritual Growth

Three practices to awaken to your Highest Self Meditation has grown in popularity with the release of meditation apps like HeadSpace and Calm. There are physiological benefits to a consistent meditation practice, such as lowering blood pressure and stress. There are the emotional benefits of feeling calmer and less reactive. Many practitioners of meditation report …